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It's that time once again! As I mentioned last month, a business trip prevented me from following my usual schedule, so this month's story is being filled by an unreleased commission. Some things to note about this story that might ruffle some feathers: it's air-based hourglass, and it does feature safe popping. Again, that's SAFE popping. She's completely fine after and in fact welcomed it.

Hope you all enjoy!



Oh, my! An orgasmic bursting story? It's been far, far too long! This is absolutely delightful! (Orgasmic bursting stories featuring characters literally cumming apart at the seams is peak inflation fetish in my opinion! Especially the non-lethal-burst type, because they can fully enjoy the pleasure, then do it again--and even include their partner as kinky payback under the right circumstances. So delightful!) Thank you so much for this! <3


I'll admit, for years I've always found popping to be squicky and horrifying, it just seemed like the ultimate example of Taking Things Too Far, that's a human life, how could anyone etc etc etc etc But then, I'll admit, the finale of Unintended Influence changed my perception of it and tapped into something. Maybe because it was SAFE popping. Milky lactation inflation and cumflation have always been my favorite types of Expansion, and to have them both combined, with a girl who reacted not with mortal terror of impending death, but with EXCITEMENT, gave me a new perspective. So, all this to say, ordinarily I'd skip this story like the plague the same way I skip past blueberry content..... But the fact that it's written by you, the one Expansion creator who changed my mind on it, makes me cautiously open to checking it out. I'll see how it goes.