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I've deployed a new version of swell tales! Below are the notable changes:

  • Revamped the in-browser pdf reader. SHOULD work on all browsers and phones now (hopefully).
  • Added tag suggestion and voting! There is now an option under 'More...' to suggest a tag be added to an author's story. If enough people agree, it will be displayed and taken into consideration on searches and blacklists. Authors CANNOT remove these. They're a way to help keep things safe and transparent.  When we fully release, I imagine it will take 20 or 30 upvotes for a tag to become permanent. Right now the tag becomes real when it reaches 4 votes in favor, for the sake of easy testing. Also, when initially created, it starts off with 2 'yes' votes.
  • Authors now have a customizable author page where they can add a biography and 3 links to their other sites/portfolios. Their most-read story and highest-rated story also display automatically. I think this is also where commission info will live in the future.
  • Added an 'Edit Bio' option to the account dropdown
  • Added an 'Edit Account' option to the account dropdown, allows users to change their email and password
  • Added Tag Packs. This is a way to have customizable pre-defined groups of tags you can add to stories by selecting from a dropdown in the story form, i.e., a cowgirl pack. Saves time from having to type out the same 10 tags every.
  • Added a 'Manage Tag Packs' option in the account dropdown
  • Login popup actually says when you failed to login now instead of refreshing the page
  • Moved paging and sorting to the top of the screen above story lists (see if this feels more intuitive)
  • Added all default story covers
  • Removed nipple expansion as an expansion area option
  • Added multibreast and bimbo as expansion areas
  • Added silicone/implants as an expansion type

Go and explore and test! Ya'll are my eyes and ears! I've been told that the current site is a bit slow. That's to be expected at this point. In the near future, maybe in March, I'll be upgrading our hardware and be looking for the site's forever home.

Thanks for all your support!

(side note: I did have to clear out your blacklist settings.)


Icy Dragon

Cheers! Loving how the site is currently turning out. Will there be any ways of linking stories together in a collection? Like that, one could go from a part 1 to a part 2 without searching for it. I'm asking as I intend on posting my own story (if I ever get around to finish it. (- .- ) ) on there. But as it's turning out right now, it would be better posted as multiple chapters.


Oohhh I hadn't thought about it, but that's a fantastic idea. I'll definitely add a way to do that.