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Hey all! It's finally time. After a month of furious programming, and 2 late nights of figuring out how to deploy/self-host, I have a test site up and running! This is honestly 70% of what the website will be. So HUGE start. Now comes your job!

I encourage you to go out and explore the site. Create an account or two. Upload stories. Rate/comment. Try out reading them. See if you can break it. Developers are notorious for not seeing glaring design problems because they're too close to the project. I take all of your feedback very seriously! If anything feels odd, looks weird, or is just plain broken, let me know! The site SHOULD work/look good on any size screen, but I've also only tested it on Chrome, so I'm sure there are problems in firefox and stuff.

I've programmed in a special page that requires a password to gain access. I plan on changing this every month as patrons come and go from the tier. This month, the password is: swelling milk

You can of course access it at swelltales.com

Have fun, and thank you!



Looks good and works really smoothly from finding the story and reading it. I *am* getting an error trying to write a comment or give a rating for the Welcome Home story as well as any others at the present.


Cant seem to view more than the first page of a story on mobile


Also just realized the 'More...' dropdown doesn't work on mobile


Yeah that too, only seems to work if you click on the story first then hit more at the top

Scott Mcdowell

The site looks absolutely amazing