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Multi-part stories! Multi-part stories everywhere!! And we're finally getting some cheerleader action! Sounds like it's gonna be a long one as well.

Birthday Blunder Part 1: BE

Cheer-Full Part 1: erotic intimacy

Unintended Influence Part 12: character development


That New Shoe Smell

Cheer-Full was a pretty fun one! Always down for entertaining character interactions.


With the exception of the chapter involving Shelly's parents, I absolutely adore where you've taken Unintended Influence. I'm hard-pressed to think of a fetish-fic trope I like better than "Guy has an internal crisis about his fetish, (and/or its' related powers) only for the girl to talk him down, not just with dirty talk, but with actual justifiable reassurances"


Is it a complicated concept to label? Absolutely. Could I probably have done a better, more concise job? Probably... But whatever. I really like where you've brought Randy and Shelly's relationship, (***especially*** since you made it clear that he *didn't* alter her mind or lower her inhibitions) and am looking forward to the explosive finale(?) - though I must say, if you ever wanted to come back to the two of them as a separate piece, set later on in their lives, I would be all for it!


Lol, you talk as if I have a lot of say in the plot of these stories. Most of the time, (this story in particular), I'm given a pretty detailed outline of what the patron wants included. I can suggest and guide, but ultimately the plot and scenes are up to them.


...Lol I forgot. 😅 But nevertheless, point still stands that you write that kind of plot really well.