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Looks like we have a new series starting this month! I'll do my best! Never really given sci-fi a shot.

Coming into her Cosplay: BE

Space Melons Part 1: aliens, blueberry-like melon BE growth

Unintended Influence Part 9: breast, butt, belly


Richter Nieman

As a huge fan of your Night Job Sugar High and For Science stories, I couldn't have been happier with Space Melons! Instantly one of my favorite stories to date thanks to your details and use of sound effects, makes the weird sci-fi nature of it far more intense in my opinion.

Mr. Animo

I said it with UI8, and you've further convinced me with part 9, Unintended Influence is one of your greatest series of all time! The nostalgia I get as it has similar story telling as some old expansion stories I used to read, and the excitement for what might come next just does not compare with this story. Bravo! Keep up the great work!!