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Our artist has officially been discharged from the hospital and is heading home! She did catch pneumonia from covid, but she says she is doing much better. Breathing can still be hard but she no longer needs an oxygen tank to survive. She wanted me to make sure to tell everyone thank you for all of the well wishes and support. It was a huge help in this time and continues to help as she returns to a life that I'm sure is far different than when she left. I'm unsure of the full effects the loss of her mother will have on her home life, but she is staying strong. I can't imagine losing a parent to this virus, let alone having to miss their funeral because I was stuck in the hospital.

Thank you all again. You've been a pillar of support for her. <3


Scott Mcdowell

Best wishes and strength during these times

That New Shoe Smell

I'm relieved to hear that she's doing better and is out of the hospital, even if she is stepping out of one problem and into an entirely different one. As most of us have said before, she's welcome to take all the time she needs.


Again, my prayers go out to her in these trying times. I couldn't imagine the position she is in right now.


I am so glad she is out of the hospital now, though doubtless going through a lot of emotions.


So happy shes doing better.