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Thank you all for your comments and feedback! I now better understand why participation is the way it is. "Expanding Horizons" is definitely a different type of content monster in terms of size, though that is what makes it special. Given the responses, I feel it's safe to say it will continue as normal. Thank you again; I feel much better and more confident in what we're doing.


This has been on my mind a lot lately, so I'll cut to the chase. It's the kind of question I tend to avoid, because I know I might not like the answer.

Participation in Expanding Horizons usually sits at around 1%. I can understand why only a few would suggest a plot point (may blessed titties shower the 4 or 5 of you), but in terms of voting, 1% participation is absolutely dismal for a story that is supposed to be community-driven. This leads me to consider one of two things are happening: the very large majority are happy with wherever the story goes and just enjoy the ride, or the very large majority don't actually care for the content and simply ignore it. Personally, I find the latter hard to believe because I feel it's produced some amazing art and I think the story itself is fairly entertaining as well. However, the numbers don't agree with my opinion.

When it comes down to it, our artist and I work very hard to produce so much content every month. If there is something we're doing with truly only 1% interest, then I would rather shift our energy where the appeal would be stronger. As much as I love "Expanding Horizons", I want to know we're doing it because other people love and enjoy it as well.

To clarify, this isn't me asking for more people to participate. I'm only taking a pulse. Y'all are a fairly quiet bunch of people and I'll be the first to admit that even I'm guilty of ignoring polls and such on other patreons that I support.  I'm happy with whatever percentage of participation we have, so long as you all are happy in the background.

So what do you think of "Expanding Horizons"? If you could answer below in the poll I would be grateful.



I hate to say it but i haven't actually gotten around to reading it yet. They have my interest piqued it's just when I'm not to lazy a d decide to read it. Love the arts though


Same with Genhgis, and I am sure many others. It is a lot of content for someone who has not been keeping up with it or just got here. So much like a great book, the mood has to be right and align with time to read it all. I often don't vote in polls regarding long standing works if I am not current with them. I would assume it is those two things that keeps the majority from voting. Well that and even the best polls on Patreon probably only get 50% of the patrons at best to participate.


Also true. Even our main poll for the monthly story maxes out around 25% or so

Richter Nieman

I have read some of the earlier chapters and sometimes participate in the voting. That's mainly because I have my favorite ways expansion plays out and Horizons isn't one of them. Another reason is that your writing is so good to the point of which I'm spoiled for choice in a lot of votes and very much so enjoy the ride!


I am always just excited for what comes next.

Scott Mcdowell

I’ve read them and love them

Jonathan Veil

I like the Expanding Horizons experience. Often I find that with your captions and button-buster short stories I like the shorter length but miss the characters once it's all over. I find myself waiting for an update on my favourites hoping I'll encounter those characters and their shenanigans again. Expanding Horizons originally intimidated me for its huge length, but I realize now that's where all the fun is. Knowing I'll get to see the full adventures of Minerva and Eris pan out to their busty conclusion is something we can't often say for those other appetizers you lovingly write.


As above, I often don't get around to reading them until a while after they are posted. The "leave a suggestion below" format rather than a poll does not help with this, but that does not mean it needs to change (your current approach is probably better). Loving it and the art though - so please keep it up!


I always enjoy reading the story, though admittedly I find myself falling behind from time to time due to work and other distractions, hence can't contribute to the suggestions sometimes.

That New Shoe Smell

I've always loved getting to participate in the creative process at any level; so I always try to come up with something to add to the suggestions unless I genuinely think someone has a better idea already.


I'm not the most creative guy tbh, so I don't leave many suggestions


I love the way the story is going and I can't always think of good ideas, and some of the ideas I suggest end up getting veto'd, so I just mostly sit back and enjoy. I'll try to think of more....