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This month's winner! "As the girls find a patch of forest to lay low in, they realize if they are gonna keep running into trouble with Minerva's breasts, they may as well experiment to try and find what they react to ahead of time to help avoid triggers ahead of time."


I like the direction d this story is heading! We also get our first art piece! I figured we should have at least one image of Minerva normal size... Trust me, the next one isn't so little. Although she is pretty large on her own...
Read the new chapter and then comment what should happen next! Or vote on others' comments if you have no ideas!
There is a story path I would NOT like to follow, though for the sake of spoilers, I'll only bring it up if it's suggested.




The story continues from the perspective of one of the spiders that got loose and wandered into the woods. What fun adventures will it have there and what woodland creatures will it befriend as it learns about itself and the world around them in a way the both entertains and educates?


As the girls find a patch of forest to lay low in, they realize if they are gonna keep running into trouble with Minerva's breasts, they may as well experiment to try and find what they react to ahead of time to help avoid triggers ahead of time.

That New Shoe Smell

The girls hide out in a nearby forest, Eris boasts of their daring escape while Minerva is much less pleased. It doesn't take long for them to realize they're lost.


My real suggestion - Seeking to resupply and lose anyone who might be following, the pair take refuge in the convent of a female religious order.