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We have a winner! "A spell of silence works both ways. Eris and Minerva only realize the danger of this when they wake in the night to find themselves tied up and unable to be heard when they call for help."

Also the scene poll ended with the cart image winning by a single vote! We might have to do the water one while we're at it and have a chapter with 2 images... Those votes are attached for those who are curious.

Thanks to the participants!


We're getting this story rollin'! Several scenes came up that I feel would make for a fun image, and I thought it would be nice to let everyone vote on which should be drawn. Give the chapter a read and give any suggestions below and vote! You can also use this link to vote on what will be drawn for this chapter: https://surveyheart.com/form/6045cdd23e35ab655505bae9




What a great chapter! "Baby crying = sympathetic lactation" is a classic BE trigger, used to great effect here! "Who is the old man" is the most obvious mystery to crop up here. My money is on it being a disguise of some sort, particularly the fake eye. Maybe this is the party's rogue? Sorry, I come at this from a Dungeons & Dragons mindset, so I keep expecting new party members (Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, etc) to join the two sorceresses. But I suppose that would make it more of an ensemble piece rather than a more focused character piece on Eris and Minerva.


Minerva learns what happened while she slept that day, as well as a new trick her breasts can do, thanks to some nosy neighbors.


Moving farther away from the safety of the carts and muffling outside noises prove to be too inviting a target for eager opportunist(s) seeking an easy score, though Minerva's condition and Eris' newfound theory on how it works makes it a bigger task than expected.


A spell of silence works both ways. Eris and Minerva only realise the danger of this when they wake in the night to find themselves tied up and unable to be heard when they call for help.