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We have a winner! "Minerva and Eris head out on their quest unaware they are being followed by someone else from the town who is intent on learning about (and enjoying Minerva's) condition."

Thanks to all who participated!


The time has finally come to begin our next adventure! With magic, potions, enchantments, and a frisky friend in the mix, anything could happen. For those of you who are new, once the new chapter has been posted, you can comment on this post for where the story will go next! Votes are cast by 'liking' a comment. The most 'liked' suggestion will be lead the next chapter! The more who participate, the more exciting it will be. With all that said, please enjoy chapter 1 of "Expanding Horizons: Enchanted". Voting will be open for 10 days or so!



--Edited down-- Minerva goes to sleep, wanting nothing more than the next day to come after that excitement, While Eris begins jotting down notes. She found her research topic


This is a good suggestion! For reference though, these are meant to be what happens immediately after the last scene. Ideally within a range of a few minutes to hours.


I'll give an example since this is our first time around in a while! These suggestions are meant to be what happens right after the last scene, within a few minutes or hours. They can be somewhat vague, or specific so long as it's narratively sound. This can count as an actual suggestion if you would like: Minerva and Eris start their journey and find their travel arrangements too dangerous for them and Minerva's clothes.


A voice calls out to them, and a busty female warrior (Barbarian? Fighter? Rogue?) saw the milky show and overheard the two of them in the Tavern. She offers to come along on their journey and help guard the two sorceresses, for a share of the dragon's riches once it's slain.... And maybe a few drinks from Minerva along the way.


Also, in this fantasy world, is it Humans only? Or do other races like Dwarves, Elves, Kobolds, etc exist? I have an idea for a busty, milk-prone Minotaur lady... Or perhaps a perverted Kobold lady (who gets infected with Milky magic of her own)?


There are other races! I'm pretty sure I mentioned goblins at some point in the first chapter. Character wise, if they're doing any growing or sexual acts, we would want to keep it to human/humanoid only unless it's a very special case. I wouldn't want to stray into furry territory since a lot of people aren't here for that kind of content. It's also not likely we'll see anyone else fall prey to the same condition, unless its only for a chapter or two. Though this story could go in a lot of directions, so who knows! Those are just kind of general guidelines.


I'm always a believer in spreading the BE around a bit, keeping it all localized in one character limits the amount and variety of growth / sexual scenes that can be done. Eris being the flat-but-perverted one makes her a prime candidate for either scheming how to gain BE of her own, or being tempted by someone else offering BE to her.


I can definitely see her enduring some growth of her own. But I feel having it as a permanent condition like Minerva's takes away from the story.


Not wanting to waste time they go to see if they can find transport heading out of town, but considering it is later in the day the choices are slim. Until they come across a shifty individual with a stage-coach who seems all too eager to let them ride along.


Minerva and Eris head out on their quest unaware they are being followed by someone else from the town who is intent on learning about (and enjoying Minerva's) condition.


Great start!! The two adventurers, temporarily relieved, find a place to slumber. The mead, however, has gone to Eris' head and she dreams of meadows and forests where everything is exaggeratedly large...including a a castle that seems to be bursting at the seams. She wakes to find her leg around Minerva's and Minerva telling her off, but Eris sees that Minerva's cheeks are pink. And are her breasts imperceptibly larger?


How likely is it we're going to be seeing more milk-inflation expansion? Personally, I *LOVED* that the previous Expanding Horizons was so milk-heavy, you have an incredibly enticing way of writing that particular subtype of expansion. I understand that EH 2 won't necessarily be as milk-centric as EH 1.....but I'd like to have a good amount of it, if that's in the cards for this story. You have a real talent for it!


I would say very likely! I have a particular growth system in mind that will allow for various types, but I see milk being the main.

Scott Mcdowell

Eris convinces Minerva that they need to get a sample of her milk to test before they head out, so they know what they are dealing with