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Thank you all for your feedback! I'm very glad to see the general consensus agrees on the value of our content! However times are tough right now and money to spend on breasts doesn't exactly grow on trees, so I understand why most would be unable to upgrade.

So here is what will probably happen. I'll leave the current art tier as it is. No content will be removed. But, I will make a $10 "overflowing art" tier where patrons willing and able to give extra support can join. This is also where the pin-ups will be posted! There could be up to 7(!) of these per month if you include those made from an upcoming pin-up commission tier... Hint hint.

I'm unsure if an extra story image will live in the new or old tier. We'll cross that bridge once we have the funds to do so. In the far FAR future, there has been talk of animations as well, but it's unclear if that is feasible. For now it will be only for pin-ups. I don't expect the new tier to be published until around March or April, with the commission tier coming even later, so this won't be an immediate change.

Thank you all for your feedback, understanding, and support! Enjoy your Friday!


Hey, all! I'm not totally sure how to start this post, so I'll just get right into it. My goal is to be as transparent as possible and do what is best for everyone and the content.
I've been at this for about 3 years now and I never could have imagined how big we would grow and how much content this patreon would produce. Since I was not able to look into the future, there are a few things I wish I had done differently. Namely, the art tier. 
The art tier has become a giant conglomeration of content mixed with Expanding Horizons. When I first designed it, it was only meant to support possibly 1 or 2 images a month. Over the last year, it's swelled to have to support the following every month:
Cover art
2 stand-alone images
An image for Expanding Horizons
Art for captions
This is a GIANT amount of content to produce and still leave enough to support the effort I put into the stories. The last thing I want to do is remove content; I feel it brings a lot to the community and a lot of titty joy in general. This leaves an increase in price as the other option. 
Comparing ourselves to other patreons' content production, I feel $10 would be a fair price for the art tier. My proposal is to leave Expanding Horizons in its own tier at $5, and move the art content to a new $10 tier. Art would still be included for the monthly cover image and in the Expanding Horizons pdf, though the full-res versions would be moved to the new tier. This may seem like a large jump in price, though it would be an incredible help in content production.
One other thing to note is the addition of new content coming soon to the monthly schedule. This includes several pin-ups as well as an additional story image every month. This increase in price would help get us to the next level and give more content to you.
My question is if you feel our art content, current and future, is worth $10/month and if you would follow it to the new tier. Please consider and answer honestly; this isn't something I take lightly and I want to make sure it's the right decision. I also wouldn't do this if there isn't a majority of patrons in favor of the move. In the end, the goal is to make great BE content while supporting our artists whose entire livelihood consists of this income. Nothing is written in stone; this is just getting a feel for our value.


Joyous Rebel

I would be interested in subscribing for a limited time for the $10, but I don't think I would be able to stay subscribed continuously for $10, unfortunately. I do think it would be worth the $10 though! I would probably consider switching to the $3 captions tier in that case.


$10/mo would be a bit too much for me on top of my other various Patreons, so I would probably stay down at the $5. Philisophically I do agree with the fact that the $5 tier is getting a bit too stuffed (heh), but I'll be VERY VERY sad to see the art go.


I think it is worth a higher price if the new wave of content is at the same quality as the regular art pieces, though in my case I probably won't be able to stay at that subscription as constant as the 5 dollar tier. Most likely will go back and forth as life determines, as I really do enjoy the art, although I am here for the stories mostly.


Yeah I'd say its worth $10 but I try to keep a budget on Patreon so unless I dropped some other creators I wouldn't be able to do $10