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October marks the first month in our journey to decide the next Expanding Horizons format. That being said, today we are faced with possibly the biggest question of all: how should the story be structured? Our options are one massive story arc or a series of smaller arcs.

My personal preference is to have it be one long-running arc lasting 1 or 2 years like Katie's story. This gives more opportunity to develop the characters. It also lets the story fully play out, perhaps even better than the last one now that I have a better feel for how this system would work.

A series of mini-arcs could be fun as well but they come with some drawbacks. The most major of these is condensing the story while still making it engaging and fleshed out. As much as I would like to, I just don't have the availability to make every chapter 15 or 20 pages every month. This would mean telling a short story across 4-5 months in 5-10 page chapters. Doable, but could feel rushed in some cases and doesn't leave much for development. On the plus side, we would get to experience multiple adventures and scenarios. They could be a series of adventures around a certain character, or an entirely next cast every time. Variety is the spice of life.

If you care, please think hard about which you prefer. Both have pros and cons but either could work and will be fun. This is a decision that will affect a portion of this patreon's content for the next year at least.


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