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Happy October! Arguably the best month of the year. After last month's slightly more serious story, the pendulum is swinging the opposite way with this silly tale! Believe it or not, the setting and main character are based on experiences from my college years. The pumpkin princess does exist! Hopefully it gets you into the mood to go hunting for those giant pumpkins. You will notice I switched up the artist for the cover as well. I thought their style was closer to the tone of the story. 

No popping version this time around; I couldn't find a method that made sense or that I was comfortable with. There will be one for the Halloween story, however!


That New Shoe Smell

That was a fun one! I can't recall ever having a Pumpkin Princess at the local pumpkin patch growing up. Granted, I wouldn't have been the target audience even if there was. I do kinda relate a bit with Natalie's condition as I was horribly allergic to poinsettias as a small child and would break out in hives anytime we went just about anywhere during Christmas time. Thankfully, I quickly outgrew that allergy, unlike poor Natalie. Looking forward to this year's Halloween story!