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We are coming to the end of Josh and Katie's story! I'm expecting the next chapter to close it out. That being said, what happens next? Comment below and like to vote!



Hahaha why do i feel like you've been waiting until the end to suggest that?


Guess I'll throw one in so we're not left with Cthulhu being the only choice (although I could totally make it work): Talia gets what coming to her

That New Shoe Smell

Since I can't really come up with one solid idea for the finale, if it's all right I'll just throw out a grab bag of scene ideas for you to pick from instead: Letch clotheslines Shrade with her tits; Talia gets doused with the pink stuff; Katie & Josh finally reveal their feelings for each other; Katie overloads the factory's pump system & it blows up; the gang meets back up with Hannah again; Shrade had a cure the whole time; Katie finally tastes her own milk; Katie & Josh finally stop blueballing each other & bang in the end.


I really want to know what Katies new permanent size will be!


Randomly for the notification for this today instead of on the 15th ha... Excellent stuff! It's progressed so much!

Mookie Johnson

Talia gets a taste of her own medicine when Josh springs out of Katie's cleavage making Talia accidentally overdose herself. Her growth is astounding. Katie's is also because she fully accepts her love for Josh. Talia and Shrade get arrested(though it takes a while before they can take Talia anywhere. In the end, they find out that Lechte was a partner on paper bc Talia and Shrade thought they could convince her to be on board and forgot to adjust the paperwork. Lecthe is not criminally charged after proving she wasn't away of all the science and testing against free will. One of her first decisions is to make Katie CEO. She knows Katie will handle the company and science responsibly (and that she and Josh will have fun with that facility on their terms)