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Winner! "Katie awakens tied up in the back of the van, still en route to their destination. Panicked at first, she tries to stay calm and find some means of escape, but to no avail. Realizing that she's trapped, she reluctantly decides that she may be able to buy some time by making herself too big to be moved."

Lucky for Josh and Letche, a rope's natural enemy is breasts. Comment and vote on where the story should go next! It's time we check in on Katie next time.



Maybe the road they drive on is especially bouncy, making Leche's boobs not only jiggle and bounce around, but force them to pump up bigger and bigger as they drive?


As far as what's going on with Katie, maybe she tries to sabotage the car and crash it by forcing her tits to grow until they overwhelm the driver? Or maybe her milk blinds the windshield?

That New Shoe Smell

Katie awakens tied up in the back of the van, still en route to their destination. Panicked at first, she tries to stay calm and find some means of escape, but to no avail. Realizing that she's trapped, she reluctantly decides that she may be able to buy some time by making herself too big to be moved.


We catch up with Katie aboard the good doctor's blimp (a classic villainous method of transport). She knows she needs to stall takeoff as long as possible in the hope of rescue. But she only has one weapon in her arsenal. Perhaps Talia can find herself with some extra ballast that will, at least, slow down their getaway.