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Winner! Looks like we'll see Hannah a little low on space in the coming months!

Things are starting to come to a head! That room should be plenty big enough for Hannah, too, so long as she controls herself.
We're at a bit of a crucial part in the story with a distinct direction I would like to take the plot, so we won't have the usual overarching suggestion pool. Instead  I have a different question for you this month. What is a scene from the story you think deserves an image? I have a list of obvious scenes running in the background, but I would like to hear your opinions. Most likely it's already on the schedule but if it's not then I'll take the highest voted one!


That New Shoe Smell

How about the scene from the very beginning where Katie is flirting with Josh in the candy shop? It'll let us see her during a time when her clothes still fit.

Scott Mcdowell

Hannah wedged in her apartment


Morning in hotel, when they wake up.


Something showing the fun of the farm. Lots of potential there, I feel!

Mookie Johnson

The bathroom scene at the restaurant would be a good one