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Good turnout this month! Couple landslide decisions and a few close races, but in the end some girl is going to take some BE pills and end up with some knee-buckling boobs!

Also, I was actually really surprised to see we have at least 4 female patrons. More than I thought if I'm being honest!

Full results here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-QPGFSDXD7


That New Shoe Smell

I'm genuinely surprised by how much of a landslide "Unwanted Growth" won by. I would have figured that the preferences would be more balanced than that.


Same here, there are already countless BE pill stories out there. The people have spoken, though! I'll do what I can to bake it new and unique ;)

That New Shoe Smell

I think of the pill as a classic BE premise, hence it's wide use. I'm eager to see how you use it. Happy writing!


Just curious - I could be getting my creators mixed up - but does the fact that this time's winner was 'unwanted growth' mean you'll exclude that option from next poll before bringing it back? If not, that's fine, I just figured it might be nice to allow different options to get a decent shot next poll, given the landslide it won by this time. Hope I'm not sounding rude, entitled, or greedy. Thanks for the hard work!


I haven't really ever done that, but I've considered it. I try and steer the stories in fun directions when I can, but usually the majority of the patrons wants lactation or normal growth. I definitely wouldn't mind excluded the last month's choices from the following survey so we can explore different types of growth more, but at the same time I feel I should play towards the large majority. That all being said, next month's poll won't have that as a question, if that helps! Glad you asked.