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We had a couple landslide questions and a couple close races! Our max size is a bit smaller this time, which will be interesting. A lot of the suggested button add-ons were already a part of the remote (i.e., lactation, sensitivity, air...), so not sure what to think of that. Looks like Monica will be getting an office surprise though!

Full results here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-YGKZBBDZV


Kelvin Lim

Some of these survey votes are really close, ever thought of narrowing down the options and doing another round of votes in a second survey with the handful of highest voted options(top three final sizes, top two storylines, compiling voter input into its own category to vote on, etc)? I could imagine some slight dissatisfaction within the voters to barely be eked out by a single vote like in this survey. Not saying I wouldn’t be satisfied with the story going the way it is, just asking if the idea ever crossed your mind to solidify the voters input. Otherwise, looking forward to it and keep up the great work!


Sometimes. But usually there's not enough time for another survey since I need to get to work on the story and get the cover image on its way. Both usually go until the end of the month so taking time for another survey could hurt. On the other hand, only 30% of people participate in the survey. So who is to say what the majority really is. I can only give so many opportunities for opinions to be voiced ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Thanks for the input though! I can tend to put too many options sometimes.