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This turned out to be a fun world to build, for obvious reasons. Let me know if you would like to return to it for a future story! Fun fact, one of the characters is based off a friend of mine in real life. I'll give you a hint; it's Brad.

No popping version this month either. After considering it, I didn't think it really fit with the mechanics I had set up. At least not for this story. 

Find both a cover and non-cover version attached. Enjoy! (Also happy swelling month! Keep an eye on the girls around you...)



A good bit of variety in the differing experiences of the women in this story.


I like this. Like you said, I would love a return to this world, with these characters or others. But a few of the things I especially liked about this story (and others) of yours would have to be, a), the shared control over the growth, or at least the consensual nature of it, (even in stories not involving intentionally-induced inflation) and, b), how it felt like the story cared about making things both sexually and romantically sensual. These were two characters that really cared for each other, and, for the majority of the time, they put what was best for both of them first, rather than just going animalistically horny at the first busted button. Letting things out of control in the moment is fine and all, but I love when the woman puts her foot down to tell her partner, "We can figure this out later - I'll be fine; but right now, I want you." Thanks, and keep up the great work!