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We have a winner! "Katie is panicked at her friends house studying , not only has she grown more she has swollen with milk and needs help smuggling her and her engorged tits home"

Thanks to all who participated

Bit of a shorter addition this month based on the last suggestion! New parts starts on page 7.
Where is Katie and what's happened to her since she fled? What can Josh possibly do to help? Enter a suggestion as a comment and like other comments to vote! Poll open until the 20th.
Keep in mind any and all suggestions are open! Anything goes in this story: aliens, mole-people, government conspiracies, crazed experiments, Bigfoot!


Mookie Johnson

Katie responds, "I think I know what's causing all this sudden growth... can you bring some candy to test my theory and some bubble gum to REALLY test it?"


"I've been captured by a crazed dairy farmer!"


Katie got captured by the FBI, that want to contain the biological weapon Katie has been exposed to. And Katie has swollen so much, she is unable to flee on her own!

Scott Mcdowell

Katie is panicked at her friends house studying , not only has she grown more she has swollen with milk and needs help smuggling her and her engorged tits home