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With a whopping 8 total participants, the March Story Survey has come to a close. Most of the questions were pretty cut and dry, but others were close or tied. Here's the result: The majority wants a story where the girl asked for it, isn't in control of it, has an arousing expansion to the size of yoga balls over the course of days, and then stays that size. BUT There was a tie in whether she grows from actual growth, or from lactation. Interestingly, those who chose lactation also chose to make her pop, which was also a close race. So here's what is going to happen. I'll write the majority story with natural growth and no bursting. But I'll also write the same one with an alternate ending with heavy lactation and bursting. They will both be clearly marked, so no need to worry about reading the wrong one. You can see the results of the survey here if you're interested: http://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-N8J2S53G8


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