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March be upon ye! Have you started your seedlings? I wanted to celebrate hydroponics in this illustration but I haven't planted a single thing yet :x. I do get a real garden plot this year though and I'm so excited for the potential of digging in dirt again!

Attached are three desktop wallpapers, for this month and the two previous months because I needed to get caught up. 

Welcome to new patrons: 🎉Jackie! Thanks so much for joining the crew ^^

Let's have a look at what was posted this month...

Quality Testers

This month I posted a bonus cat watercolour illustration as I was working on getting myself caught up to the calendar. I also posted a preview of some tech-art commissions that might turn into a neat new product soon...

Lab Techs

I posted a biiiiig studio update along with some updates on how I'm working on the branding for Skuttleboat Cove. I also posted another new character illustration and a new quarterly comic from the archive! This time it was a comic that I did for a music-themed anthology called Going Solo.


This month my dear collaborators got some good tastes of new things I'm working on that you all will be able to enjoy in the near future. Coming soon! Sooner every day! I'm quite excited about it. 

As a programming note... in my autobio more and more I've been drawing myself as this scraggly cat. Sometimes I forget to... but I enjoy this little cat, so I will be updating my avatar over to this in the next few days :) Do not be alarmed! Same ol' jam, now with more hairballs.


So a billion years ago I told y'all that worrying about social media was my problem and I wanted to protect you all from that churn. (Even since just two years ago tinyletter has straight-up died lol. lmao.) WELL we were dealt another blow in the socialsphere this week when tumblr announced  that it was going to sell all our posts to Midjourney for training (altho you have to read between the lines). And I got real mad and I thought about it for awhile and in the end I think I'm still going to stay there for now. Do turn off that toggle though if you're also there.

I'm also investing more into the infrastructure of my own website and will be expanding there for good ol' RSS. 

The whole thing got me thinking about something a lot more important, which is how do YOU want to find and enjoy art? At the end of the day it doesn't matter what big companies want me and you to do, I want to know what YOU want and work to meet that as best I can. 

Patreon is the best place to see everything as early as possible with regards to my work. If you so desire, you can also follow me on my own website for email newsletter or RSS,  tumblr for (older) comix, masto for jokes, bsky for casual artsy chitchat, insta for (older) illustrations... 

Also if you want to spectate me trying to sell stationery by pretending to be a cartoon cat (please ONLY if it interests you, feel no obligation), you can now follow Flitzybon on twitch, tumblr and/or instagram

Hey, Neat

This has been in my head all week long. I was also really impressed with this young guy's review (?) of Tasmania, the way he describes things is SO funny. Also it has Echidna in it so +10 points. 

Marble Machine Guy's "design requirements" video was something I found really insightful. Lastly, I really enjoyed this nice quiet tour of a weird vending machine alley in Japan. This guy does all sorts of weird quiet tours of Japan. I think there's a few guys who do this though? I swear there's more than one. Anyway.


恭喜发财 (happy new year! 🐉)

ChoCho my most recent rascal got adopted this week! Hooray!

Thanks so much for supporting my work!



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