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Hi everyone! Wow! A normal newsletter! I'm excited to get back to these :) This year for headers I decided that I really missed doing watercolours... so look forward to more of these little solarpunk/nature kitties.

Welcome to 🎉Sean,🎉Hannah, 🎉Nick! and🎉Kate! Thank you so much for supporting my work! 💜

Let's have a look at how the first month of the year went down...

Quality Testers

After posting this year's Rewind and State of the Patreon, I posted a little sketch comic about meditation. I also posted a preview of a dragon illustration I made for the Cartoonist Co-op

Lab Techs

I'm (re)building my dream studio! I posted an update about that here. I'm also working on a pitch deck for Skuttleboat Cove , and I wrote a bit about that process. 


I wasn't done drawing dragons so I drew some more and mailed them with some concept paintings to my dear collaborators. 


Our 101st podcast episode!! Hear our predictions for the future... 🔮


Tumblr is where I'm posting my art publicly these days, and an old comic is doing numbers there... 

Mastodon (being silly) - mostly been catposting. Blusky (talking to artists) - I went a bit off on copyright v. AI this month 😅, but I also said other things...

Hey, Neat

Mike Rugnetta (PBS Ideas) has launched a new podcast and I already really enjoy it! I think I appreciate that he "reports" on posting disease with a straight face, it makes me feel 10% less insane. 

This video about why it's hard to build "missing middle" homes in Vancouver specifically gave me some really interesting insight into the challenges of densification. 

The algorithm sent me this, as if to say "I know what you want you sicko, you want some local nerd who is way too into transit walking the entire length of the line with his friends" and you know what, algo, that is what I want, actually. This guy has great updates on the construction of the new train stations so if you're also an infrastructure/urbanist nerd I recommend!

Finally if you haven't seen this live action remake of Evangelion please do yourself the favour.

It's been awhile since I've done a newsletter, lots to share ._.


Chocho went to the vet for a checkup and came back with a stellar clean bill of health! She's going up for adoption now ^_^

January felt very structural... a lot of setup. This month I'm looking forward to digging my teeth into more Cove work >:3 Please look forward to it, and thank you so much for supporting my work!



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