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After the overland tour, Trevor and I spent a whole week in Cape Town, which was a lot of fun. Cape Town has a very different vibe, it's a lot more urban and multicultural. It was very interesting to explore!

My #1 mission while I was there was to get to Boulder Beach where you could see the penguins. GREAT success

The drive was really pretty, and we went all the way to the cape!

Something about beachy penguins never stops being amusing to me. They had some clear rules about where you could not go, but thankfully these little guys were not shy and we were able to (safely) get quite close to them!

Well worth the trek :)

We also did a number of hikes, but unfortunately they were all under Trevor's direction so we did them in the most sufferfest manner possible. Lion's Head mere hours after I had sprained my ankle, Table Mountain via two different Stupidly Challenging routes, the second one being timed wrong so we basically had to run to the top to catch the last cable car.

Like seriously, HOURS after badly messing up my ankle...

I was pressured into coming up here

Which was not straightforward or painless at all. Then the next day, I was promised a chill hike up Table mountain WHICH HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE DO A DAY IN A SAFE CHILL WAY IN LIKE 2H but as soon as Trevor saw this sign...

Well. Guess where we were going. 

Like really? You sure you want to take THIS route? There's still time to turn back...no? oh...ok

Boy, what a fun chill time I am having

super glad I was able to mentally prepare for this, and uninjured /s And this is the one we timed wrong so I had to basically sprint for the last hour of it to catch the cable car down. Anyway don't do this.

And then like two days later he's like "hey, let's go up the mountain BACKWARDS in ANOTHER super sketchy way called Skeleton Gorge"

"Like really? Can't we ever do anything in a chill calm way? Just sometimes? I thought we were going to a garden today, I'm not even wearing real shoes."

Well, it's a good thing I really enjoy hiking.

Overall though a very fun time :)




Penguins! Such good birds! I just got back from my own vacation where I pushed my feet too hard, so I feel you! I hope you don't have any lingering effects, and it looks like some amazing experiences


Yeah thankfully no lasting damage was done, I believe I was back to being pain free in 2-3 days