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I finished pencilling this, yippee! Now I get to paint (I really wanted to paint something). I'm going to print the "black lines" in these pieces and transfer them to watercolour paper, and paint them. The lines that are currently still purple will be inked digitally. I chose this route so that the sizing can be a bit more consistent than it was with the food zine.

It's been super hot this past week and now it's super smoky and I'm well in the swing of trying to sell things I don't need/taking things to waste transfer and good will/painting repairing things and packing for my big move!!! Sept 14!!! aaa 

I hope everyone is staying safe out there with Various Troubles 💜




Hopefully you won’t have to make an emergency move before the official move!


It's unlikely to come into the city, so far the big fires are in the interior (4-6h drive). A really stressful situation for everyone. I visited a lot of those places on my road trip last year :(