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Okay! So I'd like to make some "question and answer" comics, just for fun. Ask me anything about working as an engineer!

Vote for questions you like, and top voted ones get made into a comic (basically I'll keep going until I run out of steam). Thanks :D



How often do you have to convert measurements into metric and do you find it to be a pain?


How often do you do field work?


How do you find professional fulfillment as an engineer?


Riffing on Kevin's question, what's the craziest unit conversion you've ever had to do? Like attoparsecs per microfortnight (about 1.4cm/s IIRC), or that sort of thing?


What type of project do you do most often and do you do international projects or just local?


What's the most common tool (object) or software (aside from basic office suite) you use in you day to day work? How has this changed over your career/companies you've worked for?


Have you dealt with any engineers outside of North America? Do you find that there is a common engineering culture?


How often do you run into "is it right to build this" questions (aka "if I say no, they'll just get someone else to do it" vs. "things will just go more and more to profit-at-any-cost if I don't stand up for what I believe") and how do you deal with those situations?


How is actually working as an engineer different from what you thought it would be like when you were in college?


As a college student currently trembling from her thermodynamics class, just how much of this stuff that you learned in your classes actually goes into your daily engineering work?


Not really a engineering question but what the average day like for Steve the office dog?