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Hi everyone, thanks for your patience. We've been having a "heat emergency"/heat wave in BC. It's a bit unexpected in May and I don't have my AC set up (it's a long story...) 

It's been really hard to concentrate on anything and that's made it hard to sit here and do intense drawing and/or type coherently. 

But the heat looks like it's on its way out (PLEASE be on your way out, heat) so hopefully I can catch up soon. 

Have some Journal Comics

I've been feeling a bit emotionally stuck for awhile and I have been chewing over what to do about it. I eventually came to the conclusion that the only way out is through, so I thought I would try drawing one page of comics every day for whatever came to mind. 

These are a bit vulnerable and also kind of hard to follow. They jump around a lot, which is very reflective of how my thoughts have been for a long time. I keep getting confused or derailed by something. It's why sometimes I find things hard to explain. 

Sorry it ends abruptly, I'm still going, it might go forever!!!! Or it might not. 



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