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My goodness, this has been a whale of a January tell you what. 🐳 The header image is the monochrome homework! I must admit that I got a bit lost in the sauce for this one, but I think I managed to pull it back from the brink. I learned some things. A high resolution wallpaper is attached!

THE NUMBER 1 MOST IMPORTANT THING: Shenzhen Fast limited drop (signed editions) is happening MONDAY. I'll drop the link here FIRST. 

And if I can manage to figure out how the heck it works on my new site, it'll have a coupon code for Patrons, too!

Also yeah I built an entirely new website this month jammyness

Around the web I finished posting Shenzhen Fast on tumblr , I've been messing around with instagram a bit (I posted my hourlies there, but they will go here also as soon as I scan them!) and I've been complaining about websites a lot on mastodon. Gosh.

Quality Testers 

This month I announced the two big projects I'll be focused on for this upcoming year! My DIY Art Degree and Skuttleboat Cove (a new webcomic!?!!? 😱)

Lab Techs

If you want to read way more about the whys and hows of the DIY Art Degree, I posted a long scribe about that, as well as a little recap of everything I've learned so far! We had a nice chat about colour primaries. Did you know that RYB is NOT the only primary colour system??? (I did not)

I also created a little recap post/making of about the Hydrogen Comic that recently went public!

I also updated the Q1 dropbox and I keep forgetting to make a specific post about that, so that is coming up in a moment. 


Collaborators get a huuuuge shipment this month! 

(Only one lucky collaborator gets a mug but every single person gets a nice item from the redbubble shop :) Mostly broken jpg nonsense that I'm obsessed with right now)


We who wait trades seem to have come out of our seasonal hibernation! We have an episode here about Loneliness of the Long Distance Cartoonist (which I had mixed feelings about) , and another about Spaceboy which I seem to remember I had rather randomly strong feelings about. 

Hey, Neat

This month I enjoyed(?) this recent article by Cory Doctorow on  "Enshittification" - or the inevitable process by which social platforms eat themselves. I thought it was a good model to apply to what's currently happening in social media. Pluralistic: Tiktok’s enshittification (21 Jan 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow 

I also stumbled into this rather nice channel called Quinn's Ideas . Seems to be Science Fiction ... chatting? Not quite reviews. I haven't figured it out yet but I dig the vibe.


I basically didn't go outside this month, I was just staring at the wordpress dashboard and pulling my hair out. Oh but I did see some nice moss.

Alright everyone, have a good one :))




No cat news?


Still Towa and Setsuna! They will probably be adopted soon :)