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A lot going on!!


Okay everyone hi it's Saturday here in Vancouver and it's only 5 PM. It's pitch black outside... might as well be midnight... I hate November. So we're coming up to week three of the Kickstarter I think? Not 100% sure about that, it seems interminable... but it's been going really well, we hit our funding goal!  We hit our first stretch goal, we hit another stretch goal and we're on our way to hit one of the biggest stretch goals for me personally which is making a pretty box for all the books. 

It's been exciting and overwhelming, and a lot of additional stress... I knew it would be stressful.. there's just-- when you're running a Kickstarter there's just dozens and dozens of messages every day that you need to process and deal with and it's-- it's fine! I mean I'm pretty good at managing a lot of messaging and stuff like that but it's on top of what I'm already doing. Which is: trying to end Wasted Talent, you know, a lot of extra content and comics that I'm making and putting out all the time and then... still working full time! And it's tough it's a lot of work.

And then on top of that there is all of the... background stress of what's been happening in the world and it's extremely stressful and extremely depressing and hard to contend with. I feel like I don't have space to acknowledge that publicly and... you know I've always... people give me this feedback a lot in that wasted talent and my channel in general is kind of an "optimistic voice" with an optimistic perspective and they value that and I want to respect that. But on the other hand I don't want to become political... but my ability to abstain from commenting on what's going on is kind of at odds with what I feel is ethically the right thing to do. And so it's... it's a tricky line to walk and I'm still learning how to best navigate that for myself. And in the background just dealing with all of it and processing what happened and what we should do and what you know what our next steps are and I've been having just so many discussions with friends and family about it both on and off line and it's so top-of-mind. And it's so overwhelming! So having all of this go on at the same time-- my job which has been pretty stressful lately, my Kickstarter and ending the comic and then all of this stuff with politics it's made for a big week. And a big couple of weeks.

And then on the other hand-- thank goodness-- today's like the first day that I've had to really regroup. I did the big sketch-off last week which was a lot of fun, I'm really glad I did it. A lot of great people came out and I was able to do sketches for them and I'm really happy I was able to do that. But this time I'm taking a bit of a weekend for myself and I was able to clean, I was able to do laundry and I'm feeling a lot saner overall having taken those steps. So I think that's all I'm going to say for now... this is been a short video, but I feel like I have been talking so much!! With the stuff for the Kickstarter... it's coming up to a close thank you guys for being so receptive and open to what I posted recently with wasted talent ending and what I see as my next steps. 

I'm more and more excited as we get closer and closer to that becoming a reality because I've been thinking about it for so long and wasted talent has just been this thing in my way were I've loved it so much and the community around it has meant so much to me that ending it was painful but at the same time there is this other side where I really wanted to get myself to that other point to learn some new things to try some new things and just-- the chasm of difficulty between A and B. It has been really difficult to overcome and so it's really exciting now to finally be almost over that hurdle and it seems like the other side is gonna become a reality! And I'm pumped! So thanks for joining me on this journey. I think it's gonna be even more exciting and more interesting going forward. So many ideas!  And then we hit a new Patreon stretch goal! Yeah! So, everythin's comin' up Jam. Have a great weekend and I'll we'll chat soon


vlog 2016 11 19 04

Man there's a lot going on


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