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So Wasted Talent is ending on December 5th! I know that might come as a bit of a shock to some, and sorry about that /:) It's something I've (obviously) been thinking about for a long time, and I wanted to wrap up all the books. 

If you have any questions, fire away! VOTE for your most pressing questions by using the heart button. I'll answer everyone, but I'll turn the most popular questions into a comic for everyone. 

Thank you so much for all your support throughout the years. Rest assured this is not the end for your ol' pal Jam. I'll be making new comics, and I wouldn't have ended Wasted Talent if I didn't think that what I could make next could be EVEN BETTER. :) 




It is sad to see such a wonderful comic ending but I am at the same time excited for new projects! Are you willing to give us any hints to what project you will be working on after Wasted Talent?


Short answer: Short Stories (I want to answer everyone ASAP but I will expand on answers later on)


Will anything be changing here on Patreon?


Short answer: Yes, in a good way! Obviously I won't be producing regular WTs, so I will be making adjustments to ensure Patrons still get a steady stream of Good Stuff. We will work it out together and I'm ESPECIALLY pumped about making this Patreon better than ever.


I have no questions, but just wanted to say that I'm very sad to see WT end. Peeking into your life through a comic has gotten me through so much; I love you and Trevor (though I know things have been fictionalized). I'll keep supporting you, of course!


Thank you Jaime!! That means a lot to me :')


No questions, just wishing you the absolute best for whatever comes next!


Thanks for all great comics over the years. The comics have been a great insight into engineering lifestyle more than any career guide/ uni course / etc. Based on your answers to the other questions, if you're doing more content in a different format, then the patreon makes a lot of sense. Will there be a traditional but new web-presence outside of patreon stuff too?


Awww - now where are we going to get our weekly dose of "Being weird is good, be the best weirdo you can be!" In all seriousness, though - so long, and thanks for all the fish! Excited to see what's coming up next. Yay secret projects!


Great question. Short answer: No concrete plans for this yet, but I wouldn't rule it out!


Short answer: This is still DEFINITELY going to be part of my message for future works :)

Brian Kim

Going to miss you and Vancouver.


Vancouver'll always be here! 😘 And I won't be far


We currently support another artist who finished her long-term comic a bit ago, but it's been so much fun to see what she comes up with. If anyone can make a Patreon worthwhile as she works on other projects, you certainly can, Angela! We've been glad to be able to support you by buying original art and XUWBW Editions as well as by being a Patreon patron, and you have been extremely conscientious about all of us Patreon supporters so far. This might seem like a scary step, but we're excited to see where this takes you and your art. You've long been one of our favorite comics to read, and we've been able to see your skills grow over the years and enjoy the expressive nature of your art. We'll miss WT and are definitely sad to see it go, but we can't wait to see what happens next! ~Jess & Neal


What made you decide to become a mechanical engineer? Why not an electrical or other discipline, or better yet, why not a full time artist?


Short answer: It was always mech or bust for me :)


what will you do next how will i see artwork from you


Short Answer: So many short projects! As for where you can see my artwork - right here on Patreon! Big updates will go to a new mailing list <a href="http://tinyletter.com/jammyness" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://tinyletter.com/jammyness</a> Or your Social Media Of Choice (now and future) Tumblr: <a href="http://angelamelick.tumblr.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://angelamelick.tumblr.com/</a> Instagram: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/jammyness/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.instagram.com/jammyness/</a> Twitter: twitter.com/angelamelick I won't be building a new "web home" until I have a project that needs one. Jammyness.com acts as my portfolio now (and I'll be putting some extra effort into building that out.)