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Ok, this is the last image in my bookwork queue, and I'll post it at $1 so I can add a few more announcements everyone can see. 

THANKS everyone for stickin' with me or joining up as I wrapped up Wasted Talent. Obviously that was a huge effort and there's still a lot of work to be done, but the hardest part is behind us now, so I wanted to give you all a bit more visibility on what I'm planning for Patreon, specifically. 

  • State-of-the-Patreon update is a bit overdue now, and it will have more detail on all the the following points.  (Here is the last one in case you've never seen one: A  / B  )
  • We are still above $500 goal after the monthly shuffle, so I will be rolling out some kinda postcard special for December, but it will take me a moment to get organized.  I'm excited to roll this out, though, woo!!!
  • This month will be a bit of a zoo with the holidays on top of it all but I'll do everything I can to keep Patreon buzzin'
  • As I get KS wrapped up and out, I'll be transitioning creatively to research & development. It's gonna get weiiirrrdddd maybe for awhile as I figure out a new way of being but my priority is to make sure it stays "interesting" and "active" over here. 

And now, radioactive squirrels:

This image was tough (perspective and amount-of-detail wise) and it turned out looking SO bizarre... but I kind of love it?? I decided that I wanted green-and-purple to be my interstitial pallete this time (and you've seen this through the other bonus comics). Purple is the cover colour and green is just a compliment I really like. 

So then I came up with this this image to accompany the introduction. Book 5 is shaping up to be "the Ballad of NorthWind Engineering" and so I wanted the introduction to focus on the work we do. And I wanted it to involve squirrels. Because... well you know. 

They look kinda radioactive?? It's hilarious, I love it. 




Was this piece made with markers or watercolor? You somehow have a way to create a rather painterly appeal with your traditional coloring.


Both! The squirrels are marker, the background is watercolour :)