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Another really clear memory from my time working at NuGreen. 




This is a really touching/great comic. Fortunately I've been pretty lucky with what I've had to do in my eng career, but I look at the often sucky long weeks commissioning my wife has done in her eng career and this describes it well.


I think we've all had this moment at some point in our early careers. Mine was being slammed against the tarmac after a check valve poppet from a hydraulic filter came loose and dumping an entire aircraft's hydraulic reservoir on top of me with 140psi of head pressure. I was very lucky to not have been injured, but I spent a good minute lying on the ground wondering how I had ended up there and if it was all worth the hassle. I'd definitely affirm that I'm better off for the hardships I endured, but it surely didn't seem that way at the time.