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Here's a nerdy little process thing. I already have (exhaustive) lists for the books and Kickstarter planning. But with my upcoming mini-sabbatical (!!!) I have to make sure I can maximize my time spent. So I separated out the drawing work from all the other work. Drawing takes so much concentration and it takes me much longer to get into the "zone" than the (still time-consuming) fiddly work of layout, coordination, email, copywriting... so that's what I want to prioritize. A lot to be done!!

I am stealing this progress chart from some friends (aka giants I've been stalking on twitter) Vera and Tony:



 A few spoilers in here, with regards to what I'm planning to draw and what I'm hoping to make for rewards (no promises... I need to get vendors lined up and price things out :>) Some of the Illos (illustrations) are blank because I'm still shuffling where they belong and what they should be about. 




Ah! More Sword Lessons! I've actually been inspired to take sword classes myself thanks to you. Have any advice for someone going in fresh with next to no experience in martial arts?


One of my favorite "add-on" types of things I've ever received with a book is still the USBee from you. He sits on a shelf by my desk and watches me work. :) (Neal is partial to the Intense Porpoise, and that phrase is used pretty frequently in our household.) ~Jess


Don't break your arm repeatedly on a mountain bike. Aaaha. Kidding. I had some martial arts experience (maybe like 5 years of Karate) and I found it very familiar. It's all about form and smooth movements. Listen to your instructors, don't be too hard on yourself and just have fun! Keep your! Stance low! Keep your body lowered! ;)


Haha yayy! They were fun to make. I want to make more figures but at this time I don't want to compound the complexity of the Kickstarter by stretching into a deliverable I've never done before. I'm pretty good at making 3D "technical" objects with lots of components, but I don't have more "organic" 3D modeling skills. Someday!