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Spring is definitely springing now! I've got my potatoes in the ground, my cherry tomato seedlings are comin' along fine. 

Welcome 🎉Rachel J and 🎉Jacob and thanks so much for boosting your pledge 🎉Holly, David, and Rachel K! We're at $365/mo total now and if we can get to $400 I'll do a bonus Hourly Comics Day where Patrons get to choose what kind of day I write about :)

Programming note: Per the tier transition plan, this month I'm going to close the $5 tier, and open the new $25 collaborators tier. If you're in the $5 tier, you can decide if you want to move down to $2 - Quality Testers (inked previews and all the other Patreon-exclusive stuff), or up to $7 Lab Tech (archive, behind the scenes, experiments, development work.) The new $25 Collaborators tier is the "quarterly shipment" tier. I've already sent the first shipment, and those of you currently at $10 have one more month of preview (which includes a monthly studio vlog update). Thanks so much for your patience everyone, I think this is going swimmingly. 

I also brought the dropbox archive up to date and I will be releasing a new password for the quarter in the next post! This month's bonus comic from the archives is Distant Shores (my piece from the Cloudscape anthology Waterlogged). 

$2 Quality Testers

Patreon exclusive bonus: we did Fanart Request Day! Thanks so much everyone for all of your suggestions :) I had a lot of fun drawing the things that are bringing us joy. I also released two more finished pages of the Career Zine: one about the Career Bucket List , and another about mining dream-job resumes to create a to-do list!

$7 Lab Techs

I'm working on some Good Bones, y'all!! I took another crack at Lille's outfit and wrote about my design process there. I'm also working on the next tech zine, which is about 3D printing, and I drew a great spool, you guys. Just... the best lookin' spool haha

Q2 Dropbox Link 

$10 the LAB --> $25 Collaborators [preview]

First quarter shipment is in the post! Probably some of the Americans have them already (I hope). This is as much of a test of the post as anything o_o cute cards and stickers, away! The next shipment should be coming up fairly quick because I want to make sure you have your goodies in hand before I'm at VanCAF. 

In lieu of a vlog this month, I included a sad autobio comic about a sad lemon. (They're in the dropbox archive also)


It's a podcast I'm a part of, where we read comics together :) This month, we tried so hard to read a Marvel comic, we really did. (Hawkeye by Matt Fraction and David Aja)

Hey, Neat

SailorHG posted this amazing comic about "growing up online" that resonated with me really strongly, it's called "home sweet homepage".

I feel like I'm crawling back to Twitter again, for whatever that's worth. I did a big tweet thread on mental health (specifically recovery), and posted a little video update of how Konan tolerates being pet now (very sexy and exciting and cool). 


Konan the foster cat is OUT and ABOUT. She is a bundle of kitten energy (she's a 1 year old "teen mom") and she loves to run around and play. She can go from a lying down position to jumping three feet in the air, she will parkour off the hallway walls, and she will somersault over herself to try and catch her tail. It's hilarious...! She's still pretty shy, and will only sit on THIS MAT so I have to move it progressively closer to me to coax her into relaxing in the main space. 

Also been out enjoying Cherry Blossom Season, one of my fav times of the year 💜

Ok everyone, stay safe and well! Thanks so much for supporting my art, I'm really stoked about what I have coming up. 




We received our package yesterday, and we were so excited to see everything! I can't wait to use the cards. 😁 -jess