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Hello Team Jam!!! It's February now, wowee~

Welcome to 🎉Lisa Rose and 🎉Pup the Demon, and thanks so much for upgrading your pledges 🎉Ali, 🎉Delta-Fox and 🎉Goob! 

Reminder that this month, $1/mo is going to be retired for new Patrons. You can still stay pledged at that level and get access to these updates and finished pages :)

Last month was our annual state of the patreon, but this month is a "regular" monthly newsletter post. If you're new here, this is the $50/mo goal reward. I recap everything that happened here and everywhere else online, so you don't have to worry about chasing down social media posts and notifications... it's all here in one convenient place.

Next month is Fanart request day... 👀

What went down this month on Patreon...

$1 Early Access [final month!]

Career Zine page 3 final was posted, as was Career Zine page 4. This will keep rolling along and I'm really liking how it's turning out :)

$2 Sneaky Peaks --> NOW Quality Testers!  

Posted two more pages of inks for Career Zine (almost done!!) and a sixteen-page pencilled version of my IPCC report comic. Waugh~ Thank you so much everyone for your feedback on this piece. I feel a lot less depressed about it now and optimistic that I can pull it into shape as something that will benefit others :)

$5 Behind the Scenes --> Lab Techs [preview]

I posted some concept art/visual development of the exo skeleton for Good Bones that was last month's header image. This month's header is also Good Bones concept art. I owe another post here :( I didn't manage it, I'm so sorry. I'm still recovering my energy and reorganizing a lot of stuff on the back end, but getting there!!! Don't forget about the Q1 dropbox link, though! 

$10 The LAB --> Collaborators [preview]

I posted a studio vlog all about my big move, and I've been getting things ready for the Q1 shipment (in March). Make sure your addresses are up to date, thank you :)


Did you know I'm part of a comics podcast!? It's called the Tradewaiters :) Since I last updated on this, two new episodes have been posted. One on Death Note books 3 and 4 and another on Stargazing by Jen Wang. This one has a super-special young guest and I highly recommend it, it was fun. Next we'll be reading Hawkeye and the second book of The Golden Age.  

Hey, Neat

Over the last few days I watched Materwelonz's let's play of "Not For Broadcast" - a really interesting video game about propaganda and creeping fascism. Even if you're not into games, it's basically like watching a TV show and it ended up being SUPER compelling, I highly recommend it. 

I also stumbled across a comics reviewer I think I'm going to really like: Casually Comics 


Gosh not a heck of a lot is going on with me, basically just staying inside and waiting for my booster to kick in lol, but I did get a new foster rascal! I'm calling her Konan and she is suuuuuuuuuuper shy. 

It's been really fun working with her every day, but it's slow progress ;)

Ok that's it for now, more soon! Stay strong everyone!!!



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