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Oh my goodness... remember when I asked you if anyone was interested in a more detailed breakdown of the IPCC report? Ok well I finally finished a draft of this ""essay""/comic and it's just as long as the career zine hahah aughhh

This topic is so depressing and important... it's... impressing. Deportant? But I've been breathing it for so long that I don't have an objective perspective on it anymore. Please let me know what you think of this draft - any and all feedback is welcomed.

There are already some typos I can see, sorry about that, but feel free to point out things like that as well. 

Where will this comic go from here? Honestly I'm not sure this wasn't part of the schedule, so I'll think about it a bit more and decide how much I want to invest on tightening it up!

Ok, you can consider this AMA part two and I'll happily do my best to answer any other questions you might have about this report :) Stay strong, team!



Ali Grotkowski

I love the fact that you're doing this. That said, I wish that the cartoon characters showed up earlier on in the comic as it broke up the dry-ness of reading so much text.


Thank you; this is very cool. I have had a vague sense that I should sit down and understand more about the IPCC report but have never made the time to do it. (Which IIRC drops me squarely in the bucket of your intended audience for this comic.) I was pleasantly surprised that I was already familiar with a lot of the findings, but the details about how it the IPCC report was produced (and which reports are coming in the next few months!) were new to me, and that was useful context to have. I also really appreciate your solutions focus at the end. When I do grassroots outreach for Citizens' Climate Lobby, it's still really common for people to come up to our table and say they've installed solar panels and drive an electric car, and then walk away like their work is done, often before I can get a word in that we really need systemic solutions. So I really appreciate that you're making that point so clearly, especially on pages 9-10. I actually think it would be great to highlight those two pages somewhere (maybe a tweet) since they make a super important point that people should read even if they don't have the patience to read the whole comic. If and when you publish this publicly, I would love to share it with my climate activist friends (of which I have a good number since I'm active in Citizens' Climate Lobby). And since you said you wanted feedback even on typos, on page 11, "you" is written as "ou" in "how these challenges make ou feel". (I'm guessing you already saw this one, but just in case.)


Thank you, I can make that change 👍 I agree the beginning is very fact...y


Yes, you're in the exact category of who I'm making this for. I was even surprised in my research for how comprehensive the methodology was. No org is perfect and the IPCC moves slowly and has to compromise a lot, but that's why when their reports come out I give them a lot of weight. Even when their findings aren't necessarily "new". I'm glad you liked the solutions part, the first half felt very overwhelming so without the solutions it felt way too bleak, that's how it ended up so long hahaha I hadn't seen that typo so I'll add that to my edit list.

Rasmus Kaj

When I first read it, I somehow got the feeling that the first half was only text, and the second half was a comic. Looking through it again, I see that this is plainly not true, the text/graphics ratio is about the same all the way. But still, maybe the first half is more "text + illustratins", while the second is more integrated into "comics"? Or something. I guess this is so vague it's hard to do anything about, but I think that making the first part somehow more "comicsy" would help getting more people to read it all.


Thanks, yes I agree with this. The second half has more of a conversational tone, maybe I can work on bringing that into the first half.


I somehow missed this when you first posted it, but having now come back and looked at it, i like what you've done so far. i really got a sense of the massive amount of information that you're trying to condense down and convey here, and i don't envy that task, lol. one comment i would make, and this may just be a personal preference, but i'm not really a fan of footnotes, particularly in a less formal setting like this one. i feel like it's not worth breaking up the flow of the piece just to convey what is usually a relatively minor point.


lmao i accidentally posted that before i was finished. anyway this feels like the kind of project that you'll be taking through lots of iterations before you're done with it, so i mostly just wanted to raise the point that if something doesn't seem to fit in anywhere, is it truly necessary to include it? also good luck, i am looking forward to seeing the end product here :)


I hear you. I think I have a lot of anxiety about a piece like this, because simplifying is in itself a form of editorializing, and I'll never satisfy everyone with what I choose to leave in or omit.