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Hi everyone, I'm behind on two posts - the big one being the annual state of the Patreon which should have gone up yesterday. I'm so sorry... I'm in the middle of moving house and I *thought* I had everything under control but then the one-two whammy of Omicron and recurring blizzards have made it super difficult to get around and get help with stuff, and it's slowing me down a lot. 

I've made a TON of progress though and I just need a bit more time (this weekend mainly) to get the big pieces in place. A bit of urgency has been put on the situation as well because I might be getting a new foster cat next week :)) So I need a safe place for her to convalesce. 

In the meantime please enjoy this amazing piece I commissioned from Lar of me and all my fosters to date!!! God I grin so big every time I look at it. It's based on The Cat Came Back, a piece of apocryphal Canadiana that is burned into the memory of every 80's-and-older Canadian kid. (1988!!) Obviously this is a piece of media that was super foundational to me so having a piece like this with all my rascals is so incredible. 

Ttys!!! Stay safe everyone things are bananas




You should have dropped by Lar's twitch channel last night; you could have seen him draw this. ...and "bananas" indeed.


agh I desperately wanted to!!!!! I was cleaning out my old apartment 😭


Wah! Sorry you had to miss it. Good luck on the move.


Moving house is so overwhelming, take as much time as you need !