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Another page I really love... team work makes the dream work! A lot of career advice I read is very self-focused. As if your success and failure within a company is 100% within your control... I find this framing to be really counter to my career experiences so far. 

Once I was listening to a talk by Pillowfight/SmallBu about how the game Later Alligator came to be (this was at TCAF 2019 I think). They said something that really stuck with me... "when you get the opportunity to work with amazing people, you don't say no." Actually it's this advice that led me to accepting my current role! Rather than focusing on what specifically I would be doing or what the end goal would be, I was looking for a high-performing team that I could grow with and learn from. 

You spend the vast portion of your day working. The people you're spending that time with can really make or break your experience!




It's also bad when you have to work with toxic coffee.


Ooh I'm super excited for this zine!!


That's how I feel about my current team, too! It's such a relief to be where I am part of a fully functional group of colleagues. 💙


Also just realized that the second image and wording is 100% me at my last job: I thought it was a dream job and I loved the actual work I was doing, but being in that space with those people every day was killing me in so many ways. :/