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Being in the middle of a marathon is not the most fun heh


Ok hello Patreon it's Saturday and the sun is setting on this Saturday night in Vancouver.

I've just been hanging out... To tell you is the truth I've been kind of sick this week. He I had to take Friday off because every time I tried to stand up and move anywhere I would have this coughing fit and I think I've been mostly been trying to fight off what became that illness throughout most of the week. But don't worry I slept through most of yesterday and now I'm feeling a little bit better. Not coughing today which is good because I was coughing a lot and was really stressing me out! But thankfully I was able to just rest up, get myself healthy again, and now it's back to work!

And I've just been hanging out here are some pages for bonus bookwork and the next Wasted Talent so yeah it's just been headdown working on stuff like that and I guess...

I just wanted to talk about the process of being deep in the middle of a project. So it's always very exciting to be at the beginning of a project right? Where everything is ideas and potential and you're doing all your research and you're dreaming about what a project could be, but eventually ...especially with comics which can take a really long period of time... You get into the middle of the project, and that can be a lot harder. Where it's you know page 35 of an 80 page project and it's not a very exciting place to be! Because nobody gets pumped up about "ohh here's another page of the thing that you're doing!" and it's hard to get feedback and hard to get motivation.

So it's just been reminding me lately that the work that we do more often than not is a marathon and not a sprint. And I just need to remember that-- just need to keep my head down and remember that the finish line is out there... You know one day at a time.. Just focus on your next task-- the next thing you gotta do and the next thing that's going to accomplish...

So that's all I really have to say: been sick been working hope you guys have had a more exciting and vibrant week and the week ahead and more vibrant still. I will leave it at that for today. Have a good one!


vlog 2016 6 25

It's a marathon not a race!


Stuart Telfer

Hope you feel all the way better soon Jam