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Continuing on with the Career Zine... this is where we left off. Considerations for quitting your current role! Kind of topical right now 🤔...



Matt Zweig

This whole series is great. Thanks so much for doing these. Is there any place that I can share these? Or can I buy the pdf when they’re complete?


I'm glad you like them! Yes, they'll be released as a zine once they're complete. Hoping to do a light pass of tones and colours too :)

NJGR (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-23 22:02:14 I don't know if that's my catsona crying at work or not, but I was there. I was learning, but I was also slowly breaking down and it was affecting me physically. I appreciate your taking the time to delve into this topic, because it is SO HELPFUL to see this kind of thing laid out like this. <3
2021-11-22 00:56:43 I don't know if that's my catsona crying at work or not, but I was there. I was learning, but I was also slowly breaking down and it was affecting me physically. I appreciate your taking the time to delve into this topic, because it is SO HELPFUL to see this kind of thing laid out like this. <3

I don't know if that's my catsona crying at work or not, but I was there. I was learning, but I was also slowly breaking down and it was affecting me physically. I appreciate your taking the time to delve into this topic, because it is SO HELPFUL to see this kind of thing laid out like this. <3

jam (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-23 22:02:15 It was, I hope that's ok. I have a happier moment for your catsona later on &lt;3 I'm glad it's helpful! I've been there, too u_u
2021-11-22 17:38:01 It was, I hope that's ok. I have a happier moment for your catsona later on <3 I'm glad it's helpful! I've been there, too u_u

It was, I hope that's ok. I have a happier moment for your catsona later on <3 I'm glad it's helpful! I've been there, too u_u


It is completely okay! I was like, "I think that's me, and if so, Jam picked an appropriate sona for THAT particular moment!" Looking back at me then vs me now is an eye opener, and I didn't even realize exactly how unhappy I was until I was out of it. I hope you're in a better space, too, and can look back at those moments with self-compassion and clarity. 💜