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Habits, Push Ups and Maker Faires!


Okay hello Patreon it's Saturday once again I almost can't believe it Saturday again... Already! Time's been flying but in a good way this week you know... I've been keeping my head down staying focused and really been as focused as I can on getting things done.

I've been putting a lot of energy into my habits through the habit RPG system that I told you about later --or a couple of weeks ago and I've just been really focused on getting everything cleared out at the end of the day, which does take a lot of energy but makes me feel a lot better and makes me feel like I'm really on top of things. And I've also been putting a lot of renewed energy into my personal health and fitness which makes a big difference overall in productivity. So on top of biking to work and just my daily jogging regimen, push-up club has started again at work. At the office everyone twice a day will stop and just do as many push-ups as they can. We're actually tracking this with a spreadsheet and being in competition with a co-working space that's in town. We used to work at the co-working space and push-up club started there and we've carried it forth through the years so it's fine everyone's back and fired up about push-ups! Yeah! Trying to get strong!!

I've also done a ton of biking this week... So on Monday, since work's been on the slow side and my friends are in town I decided to take the day off and bike out to Steveston-- which is in Richmond-- so ittook the whole day to bike out there and then we biked all around and we we we took the train back (we were kinda hot at that point) but it was a really good time. Then on Tuesday I went out for a mountain bike ride with Trevor! So I feel like I've been getting lots on exercise wise this week.

In terms of what I've been getting done with the rest of myself and I mean --it's not not amazing but progressing-- so can see my little chart that I introduced last week I've been trying to keep up within as you can see... Monday out riding, Tuesday riding, but the rest of it I've been working and here's the next page of the bonus work for the book that I'm putting together so I'm hoping to get some more progress on that this weekend as always am trying to dig into things during the weekend and get as much as I can done.

I think the other big thing that I'm going to try and tackle is Sketchbook 2015. So I should have released that in January...... but I didn't and for a myriad of reasons! The admin that I'd hired (who had been transcribing this vlog) she had been also helping me to put that together but I didn't finish the interstitial work... the additional supporting graphics that I needed for that to just be a cohesive thing that I could give out you guys. So I think that's that's come up next on my list of .."this is probably the next thing you should work on" so I'm going to try to get that done as soon as I can. Now that the hourlies are out and in your hands and a couple of the things that I no longer remember finishing having been finished...that's next.

And other than that this weekend is the Vancouver mini maker fair which is always a fun time. I think I've gone...I'm not sure if I've managed to go every single year but I've certainly gone most of the years that it's been available and a few of my friends from engineering school were planning on going out today so I think I'll go out and meet them and see what's new and happening in the maker space in the community.

So that's pretty much it for today! Kind of a short one but I won't drag on unnecessarily I hope you guys have a great weekend and I will see around the Internet very soon :)


vlog 2016 6 11

Habits, Pushups and Maker Faires!


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