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Ah finally into the meat of the bonus work here. I had been struggling to come up with a pallete for these bonus comics. In the past they've been green, red, blue... but all watercolour! This time I decided to go for marker and I'm glad I did. 

This comic kicks off the book and it is a very vivid memory that I had. We started back after winter holidays with this seminar and it was such a mess. To have a corporation be all lip service about encouraging "creativity" and then stamping your efforts out at every turn was very frustrating. 




Reminds me of one place I worked that wanted to eliminate redundancies and kept beating us over the head with that rhetoric. I finally took them a spreadsheet of redundancies and inefficiencies that I had discovered among my office and several others, but then they refused to do basic training or have interoffice meetings to figure out who should do what. "Time is money and training/meetings cost us!" Ummm, so do redundancies and inefficiencies, which is why we were supposed to find them! Ugh.