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Can you believe we're entering the denouement of this comic!? Wow!!

The pace of construction was so staggering in Shenzhen. My colleague and I were staying at a gigantic brand new hotel, next to a gigantic brand new plaza. Cab drivers were constantly lost trying to take us home... apparently because the entire place didn't exist just a short time ago. 

We drove around a lot visiting all of these facilities and there was just row after row of huge condos and office towards going up. Given how quickly Shenzhen has grown in the last ten years, it's really interesting to try and imagine what it will look like in another ten. 



Chris Reed (aka Animeraider)

Given the past year and 1/2, did they move to Wuhan? I ask out of curiosity and pure American ignorance.


It's really interesting, this conversation was the first time I'd ever heard of Wuhan! Then it became so famous... Though I would be very surprised though if they cancelled the move. Obviously the internal perspective in China is very different, but the challenges inherent in selecting a site and relocating a huge factory would make it difficult to change just based on that