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Hi everyone, just a bit of follow-up on the posts that went out last week. Thanks so much to everyone who filled out the survey, I know it was long but it was REALLY helpful for me.

In general people seem to be pretty happy and just want more of what I'm doing, so that's my main goal!

The most contentious issue is Vlog Transcription. The reason I want to provide transcription for my vlogs is because it is a fairly high-level reward and transcription provides a lot more flexibility and accessibility.  The method I was using was fairly expensive and not providing the value in proportion to the cost. 

Actions taken: 

  • I've discontinued the service I was using for transcription (live admin)
  • I'm trying out machine transcription (software) and if it's good enough I'll invest in it. Should be faster, too! 
  • I hired a maid............... hahaha thanks for your feedback on that one. I'm actually pretty excited about it :0 We'll give this a trial and see if it makes a difference to my overall sanity/energy.
  • I'm hoping the Patreon funding transfer issue will be resolved soon. 

Actions to be taken: 

  • I'm going to look into putting together highlight videos of the vlogs and livestreams. I know they take a long time to watch haha. And I'm going to dig a bit deeper to post more development stuff! 

For those of you who are data hounds like me, I've included the summary charts from the survey :> (pdf attached)

Thanks everyone! BACK TO COMICS



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