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Hi everyone,

This is a pretty quick-and-dirty video so I apologize for its level of polish, but I wanted to share some of the things that I've learned over the last few months about using Clip Studio with 3D assets!

Clip Studio (which I use for my comics) is incredibly powerful just as a raster comics program, but it has some incredible built-in 3D tools. If you go to their marketplace you can find some really interesting 3D assets that people have made and set up to use with Clip. Some of them even have default "configurations" you can turn on and off like open or closed doors and things like that? I think you use Clip Studio Modeller to do this but... I haven't been able to figure that out yet! All of the documentation is in Japanese and the knowledge hasn't seemed to have cracked through to the English side yet (as far as youtube tutorials are concerned).

So, I decided to spend some time trying to figure it out for myself. So far the best "bridge method" I have come up with is using this software called "Sweet Home 3D". With this simple program I can very quickly draw a room and export it to OBJ. Then I can import the OBJ to Clip and use that to set up my perspective grids. Even just this amount of knowledge is a huge time saver and I'm excited for what I've learned!!

My ultimate endgame for this process is to also learn Blender (to directly create 3D models and set up animation bones) so that I can knock together a really custom environment and character and use that to stage complex shots. 

Tell me your secrets Clip!!!!!

*update July 14* OH MY GOD so Clip Studio finally released an English tutorial on this LITERALLY YESTERDAY. Talk about ask and ye shall receive eh?? This tutorial is a little bit "draw the rest of the @#$#'in owl" for the Blender part but even this is so much better than what was available. Ok yay I'm excited to learn more about this.


isobox 3dsetup movie

Quick mini tutorial on Sweet home 3D + clip Studio for backgrounds


Faith Nelson

learning new software is a trip, even when you have documentation and videos available. I can't imagine doing it without! Your dedication amazes me, and you wonder why I want to continue throwing a few bucks at you? Hells yes, you're doing neat stuff, and I want to support you!