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Only one page for the update this week because the next two pages are tightly related so I don't want to split them up :) 

Julia did such a fantastic job with that LASER ZAP!!! It's obviously not that dramatic in real life, but laser-etching is so cool as a process. I was actually surprised at how interesting pad printing is, too. Here's a video explaining the process. 

I also really want to underscore how many of these steps are still carried out by people - especially some of the more complicated finishing or inspection steps. When you think of a product it's probably easy to imagine the engineer designing it, or the person running the actual milling machine, or screwing in the PCB... but there are all these extra steps along the process that require workers too! The team required for any modern consumer electronic product is really astonishing, not to even mention the supply chain and logistics that get it from the factory to your door...



Thor Wilbanks

In my experience, when the laser is that dramatic one has the power turned up too far. Or the wrong laser altogether. ;)


I've seen pad printing for bowls and it fascinates me! Sqloosh! A printed bowl appears.