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I feel like a lot of career advice that I read is about the "upward" trajectory. And yeah, growing your responsibility and pay and achievement is a great and valid path, but it's far from the only one worth pursuing. 

And it's not the only way to have a successful and fulfilling life? Your career success shouldn't be at the expense of something vital. 

Every job has its good and bad aspects, and every job is just a piece of your bigger life's picture. 




All sound observations. And FWIW I've worked alongside some very very rich (and smart) people and the extra money does some nice things but fundamentally doesn't seem to make them happier and more secure, or at least not much.


I've noticed this too. Awhile ago I made a conscious choice to try to identify and emulate the people I knew who seemed happiest, and it didn't necessarily correlate to material success!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-23 22:09:49 It is hard to hang onto that when you keep seeing material success being flaunted. Some of these folks, still friends in some cases, were literally earning millions and thought I was crazy not to follow the same path. Instead I'm trying to make the world a bit of a better place by fixing climate change. B^>
2020-11-25 08:54:09 It is hard to hang onto that when you keep seeing material success being flaunted. Some of these folks, still friends in some cases, were literally earning millions and thought I was crazy not to follow the same path. Instead I'm trying to make the world a bit of a better place by fixing climate change. B^>

It is hard to hang onto that when you keep seeing material success being flaunted. Some of these folks, still friends in some cases, were literally earning millions and thought I was crazy not to follow the same path. Instead I'm trying to make the world a bit of a better place by fixing climate change. B^>