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(the title is very stupid, but it popped in my head and you all have to suffer now).

(Also since this seems to come up a lot -- I was born American and am a US/Canada dual citizen, that's why I have US voting rights :) and the last panel is a reference to an earlier comic about the nightmare of filing US taxes as an expat 🙃)

I've been posting little autobio comics like this at the $10 level lately, because they are mostly kind of sad and mopey and don't have a punchline! And I don't really like to project that kind of energy out into the world. So apologies for keeping most of them kinda close to the chest as I process a very weird time.

But! This one didn't quite get finished in time for my $10 slot this month and it's also very timely, so I thought I would put it here at $2 this month. 

I don't know how representative my Pennsylvania absentee ballot was. I know the voting process and what you get varies wildly by state. Pseu's comic for the same state seems to imply something a little bit more robust (but still confusing) if you are voting domestically. Two great resources I've come across are:

If you enjoy my comics, and you are a US Citizen... please vote Biden. And beyond that, please reach out directly to your friends and family who are generally more apathetic/disillusioned and encourage them to vote Biden. Make a plan together :) Vote early! Text each other to hold yourselves accountable. Make it A Thing and celebrate it! Together we can make a difference here. 

Basically..... listen. The last four years have sucked. Did it suck 100% because of who is president in the US? No, of course not. Did the root causes precede the president, and will they continue afterwards? Yes. However, the amount of psychic energy devoted to dealing with the ramifications of Donald Trump Being President have directly hindered my art and the broader comics community.

Biden is not going to save the world. But getting Trump (and his enablers) out is going to give us a window of time to address some of these problems.

I know this type of message is not my usual M.O, and I know it might upset some of you. But I consider this a part of my responsibility as someone who has even a tiny platform. I want nothing more than to blithely draw hundreds of cats and design fuel cells and worry about what kind of cookies would go best with chai tea. But I can't do that when I'm worried about the health and safety of my American friends and family :(

Thanks everyone. Stay safe <3




Thank you for this and thank you for voting.


Voted today and for Biden. Took 2 hours and in freezing cold weather. I feel good about Joe's chances and hopefully things will be better come late January. This has been a nightmare for nearly four years


We hand-delivered our mail-in ballot and confirmed it last week. THANK YOU for voting and for trying to help make the U.S. a bit better. I really, really hope we can flip the switch and get back to caring for other humans instead of selfishly watching the country implode. I've been texting for candidates up and down the ballot (even not in my own state), because this election is so important for us all. It's going to take a while to get us back to where we were and start slogging uphill again, but it has to happen this year. It has to.


Thank you for waiting so long 🙏 the pictures I'm seeing of all the long queues make me so stressed :((


Thanks for voting and for all your hard work getting voters out 💪💪💪 it will be a lot of work but I'm so impressed with how much Americans have achieved in terms of organizing these past few years.