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It's finally here!! The finished and COMPLETE food zine - digital edition and Making Of. Please click the attachment links at the bottom of this post to download all the files. 

This ended up being a much larger project than I was expecting, thanks so much to everyone who sent me encouraging feedback throughout :) It was nice to draw some pretty food, and to be honest I have already started using my own draft versions of my zines to remind myself what I can eat in winter! (I made chili this weekend :) )

The Making-Of pdf is a key Patreon reward of the collective $300+ level. We're technically below that right now, but since it was above that for most of its creation I decided to include it. I'm going to try to promote the Patreon a bit more in the next few months, so hopefully we can get back up there for future projects. 

My prototype physical editions were sent out to $10 patrons. I need to look around for materials to confirm that I can get the same stuff that I used, but then I will be opening up for Food Zine: physical edition preorders. All patrons will get a discount code, and early access/notice when it launches. These are really labor intensive to make, so I'm not quite sure how I'm going to handle preorders yet. Bear with me and thanks for your patience.

Thanks so much again everyone for your support throughout this project, I'm really happy with the finished product.

Next month: Shenzhen Fast pages BEGIN! Woo!



Juan Chanco

Just in time for dinner, thanks!


If we wanted to buy a physical version to send to a friend, would that be fine? We have some friends up in Montreal that I think would LOVE this, just like we did when we got ours. :)


Of course! :D The preorder will be open for anyone. I'm gonna go out this weekend hunting for materials :)