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More pencils on the "career zine". Sorry that my pencils are kind of rough and quick, but really  most of the time this is good enough for me to go straight to what I consider "inking" and that can take a long time. Knocking these out in digital form is easy and fun though, I'm glad I made the switch. 

I really wanted to question the more conventional definition of "career", at least in the sense as how it's normally thought of. I see a lot of my friends get hung up on their working lives not being... grown-up enough somehow. Like if they don't have the validation of some capitalist institution, their time and energy didn't count

Your time counts, and everyone can have an impact on their community :) Be good to the people around you, that's what really matters in this life. 




Yep, definitely don't have to be a middle manager in a multinational to have a 'career'. (I've only been on someone else's payroll for about 6 weeks out of 35+ years working so far.) Anyhow I note a random definition of 'career': "move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way"!


Wow you've only had a "career" for 6 weeks! XD (more like: wow congrats for carving your own path for so long, you must have had so many unique experiences :) )


Lots, including some multi-nationals! Have fun with some of these: http://d.hd.org/anecdotes.html

Faith Nelson

Oh man, thank you so much for this inclusive look at "career". I've been disabled since my three kids were very small, so my "career" has been being mom to them and most of their friends, and "adopt-a-mom" to a lot of their friends now that they're adults and finding new people who need someone to love and accept them, give them straight truth, and cheer them on through life. They're all out their spreading their positive ripples through life, insisting that "no, you can't HAVE my mom, she's mine... but I will share." I have long known this was my legacy, and been good with that because it's IMPORTANT. But never have I seen that included as a career in its own right. Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my weepy, grateful heart.


Ohhh my goodness Faith no thank YOU. Caring is minimized in our culture on purpose. It's minimized for its impact and importance, it's minimized for its challenge and the dedication it requires. Things are already SO skewed because of this, and I'm grateful every day for the many different types of people in the world contributing in amazing ways.

Faith Nelson

It is SO important! All my kids, whether crotch fruit or not, every kid who grew up calling me mom - they're all out there being positive ripples in this pond we call life, and man oh man, don't we need those positives? There are so many people whose legacy IS having cared when and where it was most needed, whether "professionally" or not. It's really nice to see all the "carers" and all the ways people put good out into the universe, all seen and included. I have followed your work for years and loved all you've done, but man, I <3 you so much right now... =) I feel seen. For a mostly invisible person, that matters.